Turbulence is a supermixer. Turbulent mixing has immense consequences for physical phenomena spanning astrophysical to atomistic scales under both high-and lowenergy-density conditions. It influences thermonuclear fusion in inertial and magnetic confinement systems; governs dynamics of supernovae, accretion disks and explosions; dominates stellar convection, planetary interiors and mantle-lithosphere tectonics; affects premixed and non-premixed combustion; controls standard turbulent flows (wall-bounded and free-subsonic, supersonic as well as hypersonic); as well as atmospheric and oceanic phenomena (which themselves have important effects on climate). In most of these circumstances, the mixing phenomena are driven by non-equilibrium dynamics. While each article in this collection dwells on a specific problem, the purpose here is to seek a few unified themes amongst diverse phenomena.Keywords: turbulent mixing; passive scalars; Rayleigh-Taylor instability; Richtmyer-Meshkov instability; high-energy-density physics; holographic technologies Compared with the vast variety of physical circumstances in which turbulent mixing occurs, our knowledge of it is still limited. The problem is relatively straightforward for a simple velocity field (e.g. a constant or periodic in two dimensions), but very few rigorous results exist if the fluid mixing is threedimensional and fully turbulent. The case we do understand better, though incompletely, is the mixing of a passive scalar in isotropic and homogeneous turbulence at high Reynolds numbers, for which sound phenomenological understanding exists (e.g. Obukhov 1949;Yaglom 1949;Corrsin 1951;Batchelor 1959;Kraichnan 1968).Most realistic mixing problems in nature and technology are more complex than passive scalar mixing and involve strong gradients of pressure and density, heat release, transfer of species and changes in chemical composition. Remington et al. 2006). These phenomena are essentially anisotropic, involve non-local interactions among the many scales constituting the physical phenomena, as well as phase changes of matter, and are often driven by shocks or acceleration. In continuum approximation, their scaling laws, spectral shapes and invariant properties differ substantially from those of classical Kolmogorov (1941) turbulence. Singular aspects and similarity of their dynamics are interplayed with the fundamental properties of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations (Ladyzhenskaya 1975;Scheffer 1976). In the kinetic limit, the non-equilibrium dynamics depart qualitatively from the standard scenario of the Gibbs ensemble and the Boltzmann weight (Hoover 1991;Evans & Morriss 2008). There is thus a strong need for advancing new theoretical methods well beyond the idealized (e.g. isotropic, homogeneous and statistically steady) domain.The state-of-the-art numerical simulations have the potential for developing predictive modelling of the multi-scale non-equilibrium mixing dynamics. With computational power doubling every 18 months or so, larger simulations involving g...