cells incorporating perovskite films with a blend of A-site
cations have gained significant attention due to their enhanced stability
and high-power conversion efficiencies. However, the relationship
between the microstructure, electrical properties of perovskite films,
compositions of A-site cations, and their correlation with the charge
carrier dynamics of perovskite solar cells remains unknown. In this
study, we investigated the electrical properties of APbI3 perovskite films with varying A-site cations (A = Cs, CsFA, CsFAMA)
at the grain boundaries (GBs) and grain interiors (GIs) using advanced
probing microscopies. Measurements conducted with voltage-controlled
Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) confirmed the presence of ion
motion within the perovskite films. By altering the illumination conditions,
both KPFM and conductive atomic force microscopy measurements reveal
that the hysteresis of CsFA perovskite thin film was significantly
greater than that of CsPbI3 and CsFAMA. Moreover, the variation
in potential between the three thin films in the GB region and adjacent
GI indicates the existence of band bending in the GB region of all
three thin films. These findings are crucial for identifying the role
of A-site cations in determining the electrical properties of perovskite
films in relation to GIs and GBs, thereby facilitating further enhancements
in photovoltaic devices through compositional engineering.