This article explores the impact of different baud rates on Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) asynchronous serial communication. It discusses the frame format and calculation method of baud rate error, as well as the main reasons for error, such as clock error, sampling error, line noise, data bit error, and software delay. To ensure reliable communication, it is essential to test and debug the actual baud rate and adjust it accordingly. The study found that higher expected baud rates resulted in higher baud rate errors, affecting transmission distance, speed, reliability, and system complexity. The appropriate baud rate should be selected based on specific application scenarios and requirements. Higher baud rates are needed for high-speed transmissions, while lower baud rates are required for long transmission distances or high reliability requirements. However, further research is needed to determine the impact of unallocated baud rates on data. Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the development of UART.