“…Non-passerine birds from Laguna Melincué Ramsar site, Santa Fe province, Argentina abundances for the whole study period as very abundant (>10,000 observations), abundant (1,000-10,000 observations), scarce (100-1,000 observations), and rare (<100 observations) (Brandolin et al 2011). We followed Fandiño and Giraudo (2010) and Brandolin et al (2011) to classify species as 'residents' or 'migrants'. The latter were divided in 'Nearctic migrants' (i.e., species that nest in the Nearctic and then migrate to the south being recorded in the area in spring and summer), 'northern austral migrants' (i.e., species that nest in the area in spring and summer and then migrate to northern areas), 'southern austral migrants' (i.e., species that nest in southern Argentina in spring and summer and disperse to the study area in autumn and winter), 'Altitudinal Migrants' (i.e., species that nest in the High Andes in summer and migrate to the area in winter) and 'Partial Migrants' (i.e., species that move from the study area to other areas, but without any clear pattern).…”