Chromosome numbers and sex‐determining systems of 16 species in 10 genera of Australian Psyllidae: Spondyliaspidinae (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) are presented. This is the first comprehensive karyological study for the Spondyliaspidinae. Karyotypes were: 2n = 11 (10 + X) for males of Australopsylla sp., Boreioglycaspis melaleucae (Moore), Cardiaspina albitextura Taylor, Creiis sp., Platyobria lewisi Taylor and Spondyliaspis plicatuloides (Froggatt); 2n = 9 (8 + X) for Blastopsylla adnatariae Taylor, Blastopsylla moorei Taylor, Cardiaspina retator Taylor, Cryptoneossa sp. (near triangula Taylor), Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore; and 2n = 7 (6 + X) for Anoeconeossa communis Taylor, Anoeconeossa sp. (communis group), Anoeconeossa sp. (fuscipennis group), A. unicornuta Taylor and Creiis vulgaris Taylor. The chromosome number 2n = 7 is the lowest recorded for any Psylloidea. The number of testicular follicles and arrangement of spermatocyte cysts (spermatocysts) in the follicles of each species, and of an additional species, Ctenarytaina sp. are described. Aspects of the karyology and morphology of the male reproductive system of each of the 17 species in 11 genera of Spondyliaspidinae are discussed in terms of recent shifts in spondyliaspidine classification and of the phylogenetic position of the Spondyliaspidinae within the Psylloidea.