“…In agreement with this hypothesis, the single collection from Katanga perfectly matches the type in leaf size and shape, but departs from it in having a pubescent upper surface of the leaf. Catarino et al (2013) Tree up to 13-14 m high; branchlets tomentellous. Leaf: petiole 10-20 mm long, 2.5-3 mm in diameter; blade elliptic to oblong or obovate-oblong, 6-12(-14) × 2.7-7(-9) cm, rounded to slightly cordate at the base, obtuse to slightly emarginate and sometimes acute or apiculate at the apex; lateral nerves in 10-15 pairs, nearly straight, some of them furcate near the apex, nerves and bifurcations reaching the margin of the leaf; upper surface minutely tuberculatesubreticulate, scaberulous with straight or nearly straight simple hairs 0.2-0.5(-0.6) mm long, developed on minute, white tubercles, glabrescent, becoming yellowish brown to livid with age; lower surface beige to pale fulvous-pubescent with straight or curled hairs on the nerves, veins and reticulation, and with interreticular areoles covered with minute stellate hairs; midrib very thick and prominent beneath, with fasciculate hairs; reticulation very prominent below and forming deep cavities (depth ≥ 2 mm).…”