“…Macrosiagon is the most species rich and common genus of Ripiphoridae, with approximately 160 described species (Falin, 2002a(Falin, , 2004Batelka, 2010), widely distributed across all ISSN On-Line: 1807-0205 ISSN Printed: 0031-1049 ISNI: 0000-0004- Apiaceae -genera Daucus L. and Eryngium L. (Chobaut, 1895(Chobaut, , 1906Coll, 1942;Sánchez Rodriguez, 2001;Falin, 2002b;Cillo et al, 2019); Asteraceae -genera Asclepias L., Aster L., Baccharis L., Eriogonum Michx., Mikania Wild, Pluchea Cass., Senecio L., and Solidago L. (Rivnay, 1929;Linsley & MacSwain, 1951;Falin, 2002a;Verdugo, 2010); Euphorbiaceae -genus Croton L. and Euphorbia L. (Batelka, 2011b); Lamiaceae -genera Hyptis Jacq., Pycnanthemum Michx., Mentha L. and Monarda L. (Chobaut, 1895;Rivnay, 1929;Gobbi, 2002apud Batelka & Chaboo, 2015Sánchez Rodriguez, 2001;Batelka & Hoehn, 2007;Batelka, 2011b); Resedaceae -Ochradenus Delile (Batelka, 2008capud Batelka, 2011b; and Rubiaceae -Mitracarpus Zucc. and Spermacoce L. (Batelka, 2011b) (see Batelka, 2011b for discussion on accidental and often visits).…”