DOI: 10.1243/09544062jmes2316
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Revisiting film thickness in slender elasto-hydrodynamically lubricated contacts

Abstract: In this article, the problem of predicting the film thickness in so-called narrow or slender elliptic contacts is revisited. In particular, the variation of the minimum film and central film thickness and their ratio with load and ellipticity are studied. It is shown that the minimum film tends to decrease linearly with increasing ellipticity. The central film thickness, until a certain threshold, decreases very slowly, and then decreases linearly too, with a slope independent of the Hertzian pressure. The rat… Show more

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Cited by 10 publications
(22 citation statements)
References 22 publications
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“…All calculated data of ratios are listed in the Tables A1-A3. Film thickness ratios were compared to published results in [17,18]. The average difference (Table 4) is 4.4% and 3.5%, respectively.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…All calculated data of ratios are listed in the Tables A1-A3. Film thickness ratios were compared to published results in [17,18]. The average difference (Table 4) is 4.4% and 3.5%, respectively.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For better minimum film thickness formula, it is necessary to search for analytical form that can describe the ratio between central and minimum film thickness. Recently, a parameterization for the ratio of central to minimum film thickness was found for slender contacts (contact size in entrainment direction is much larger than in perpendicular direction) [18].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This influence of contact ellipticity on EHD pressure for constant Hertz pressure was already underlined by Venner and Lubrecht. 19 Through piezoviscous effects, the viscosity integral is also at its largest for the slender contact and at its smallest for the wide case. So both pressure and viscosity integral variations with ellipticity are in accordance with the influence of the latter on friction.…”
Section: Frictionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…He proposed a model to simulate the starvation in an EHL contact located on a bearing track after several passages of the rolling elements, based on the ejection of lubricant out of the rolling track through Poiseuille flows. More recently, Venner and Lubrecht 19 published a paper on slender elliptical contacts based on numerical solutions. They contributed to improve the knowledge of the ellipticity effect on the central to minimum film thickness ratio.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This parameter was found to be the ratio of the wavelength of the waviness to an inlet length of the contact, which was loosely defined as the length of the inlet pressure sweep. In a study of the film thickness in narrow elliptic contacts, it was found that the ratio of the central to minimum film thickness was governed by exactly the same parameter [28].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%