First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. GUO Jian, for his invaluable mentorship and guidance he have provided me throughout my academic journey. I feel truly fortunate to have such a visionary and compassionate mentor, Prof. GUO Jian, who excels in both research and life. Prof. GUO Jian's kindness and willingness to patiently explain complex concepts have had a profound impact on my understanding of the project. With his unconditional support, I have chances to attend many flag-ship conferences and visiting attachments, that not only open my research's community but also broaden my horizons.I am filled with boundless gratitude towards my co-authors, Dr. Li Shun and Dr. Xiaoyang Dong, for their invaluable guidance and unwavering support throughout the research journey. I am deeply appreciative of the collaborative spirit they have shown in working with me on several papers, where their dedication to research has positively inspired my approach to conducting research.My special thanks go to all my co-authors, Prof. Zhenzhen Bao, Dr. Liu Guozhen, Guoyan Zhang, and Tianyu Zhang for working with me and teach me a lot of lession during the collaborations.Special thanks go to Dr. Patrick Derbez and my friend Nguyen Phuong Hoa for hosting me a visit in Rennes, France.I am grateful to extend my unbounded thanks to Dr. Eik List, who always willing to provide extensive assistance in revising my thesis. His support and guidance have played a crucial role in enhancing the quality and depth of my research work.I thank all my labmates and my friends in NTU, Dr.