Premature loss of primary teeth can lead to crowding, rotation, ectopic eruption and impaction of permanent teeth. All of these issues can be reduced or avoided through proper preventive and interceptive orthodontic procedures including the use of space maintainers and space regainers, many of which require two visits and a laboratory phase for fabrication. The ‘Junaidi space regainer’ is an attempt to make the space regaining procedure simpler and easier. A 12-year-old boy presented to our clinic with a loss of space for the eruption of the second premolar; the Junaidi space regainer, which is composed of a band, a piece of archwire and an open coil spring, was used in this case. Following treatment, the space was successfully regained, allowing the second premolar to begin erupting into the regained space. The Junaidi space regainer is a two-in-one appliance that can serve both as a space regainer and a space maintainer. Its fabrication does not require taking impressions; in other words, a laboratory phase is not required. This new chairside space regainer provides a simple, time-saving and effective method for regaining lost space.