The static spherically symmetric wormhole solution for a non-isotropic perfect
fluid energy-momentum tensor within the context of teleparallel-Rastall
gravity is investigated. First, by imposing static and non-static conformal

symmetry on the static spherically symmetric space-time metric, we investigated
the null energy condition at the throat of traversable wormholes and
showed that the null energy condition in the throat and its neighborhood is
violated. Secondly, with the aim of minimize the usage of exotic matter, we
found regions where the energy conditions are valid at the junction surface.
We found that in the static case of conformal symmetry solution, the null
energy condition (NEC), weak energy condition (WEC), and Strong energy
condition (SEC) are valid for different λ0 parameters. Moreover, we obtained
that for the non-static symmetric solution of conformal symmetry, the NEC
and WEC are satisfied for different sets of (k, ˜ λ0) parameters. Finally, we
have explored the stable regions by the parameter η2 ( square speed of sound)
for different sets of (k, ˜ λ0) parameters.