ABSTRACT:In this paper, we present new evidence regarding a Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) transgression on the south-eastern Brazilian coast (Baixada Santista coastal plain). Data collected from a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) drilling reveal the occurrence of myxohaline sediments between cal BP 45,000 and 41,000. A deeper sequence, which shows a clear transition from terrestrial to a myxohaline environment, was associated with MIS5e. Organic and inorganic proxies have been used to recognize the variations on the terrestrial/myxohaline/marine deposits, as well as to infer about climate and energy of the depositional environment. Environmental change, which could correspond to a sea-level peak or the occurrence of drier conditions, was recognized between 43,000 and 42,000 cal BP. The results reinforce the need for future works on MIS3 variability on the South American Atlantic coast.
KEYWORDS:Marine Isotope Stage 3; Late Pleistocene; sea-level.
RESUMO: Neste artigo, apresentamos novas evidências sobre a transgressão ocorrida Estágio Isotópico 3 (MIS3) na costa do sudeste do Brasil (Baixada Santista). Dados coletados por meio de um ensaio de penetração em solo (SPT) revelam a ocorrência de sedimentos mixohalinos entre 45.000 e 41.000 anos a.P. Uma sequência mais profunda, que mostra clara transição de ambiente continental para um mixohalino, foi associada ao Estágio Isotópico 5e (MIS5e). Marcadores orgânicos e inorgânicos foram usados para reconhecer as variações dos ambientes ter