The advent of drug-eluting stents (DES) into the practice of interventional cardiology has had a tremendous impact. After their demonstration of a significant reduction in restenosis in randomized trials and U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for their use in 2003, the incorporation of DES into clinical practice was rapid and extensive. However, beginning in 2004, a variety of reports began to circulate documenting an increased incidence of early, late, and very late stent thrombosis after DES implantation, especially after discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy (1). This was proposed to be caused by impaired endothelialization of the vessel at the site of stent deployment because of the presence of either the drug, the stent polymer, or both (2). Shortly thereafter, several studies reported another, more distant, effect of both sirolimus-coated See pages 2123 and 2130 and paclitaxel-coated stents, that of long-term endotheliumrelated vascular dysfunction detected in nonstented segments of the coronary artery (3-6). Although the precise mechanism of this distant vascular phenomenon was not known, because it was not apparent in vessels receiving bare-metal stents (BMS), it was presumed to be secondary to the presence of either the antiproliferative drug itself or its associated polymeric DES coating. Two important articles published in this issue of the Journal address these issues. One evaluates the effect on vascular function of chronic exposure to sirolimus (7). The other reports the results of a new DES, with both a different drug and a different polymeric coating, that does not seem to induce endothelial dysfunction (8). Although neither study completely answers all possible questions regarding this issue, they both contribute to our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of the process and offer hope for a resolution of the problems with next-generation DES.In the article by Jabs et al. (7), a 7-day continuous infusion of sirolimus into Wistar rats produced a marked degree of endothelial dysfunction as well as a desensitization of the endothelium-independent vasodilator nitroglycerin, showing that the drug may play a specific role. The investigators also reported a possible mechanism, that of sirolimus increasing the production of vascular superoxide, with the result being a loss of vascular nitric oxide bioavailability. Although their rat model was one of prolonged systemic exposure to sirolimus, they proposed that these processes could contribute to the observed endothelial dysfunction noted after deployment of sirolimuscoated stents. There are several other important limitations to this study. First, it is not certain whether the sirolimus dosing in the rat study is comparable at the vascular level to that of a coronary artery containing a DES. Second, in the rat model, the presence of sirolimus adversely affected both endotheliumdependent and endothelium-independent vascular function. In the clinical studies of DES, it was only the endotheliumdependent vascular function that was ad...