Suslov and Tran [3] recently revisited the study carried out by Hron et al. [1] and they on the basis of their analysis claim that some of conclusions concerning one specific example, amongst the many considered by Hron et al. We have reexamined both papers, and we find that whether or not velocity profiles with inflection points exist depends on the class of functions to which the pressure belongs. If the pressure field is allowed to be discontinuous, which is in keeping with the class of functions to which pressure belongs to in the study of Hron et al.[1], such inflectional profiles are possible. However, if one requires the pressure field to be continuous then as Suslov and Tran [3] claim, such inflectional profiles are not possible. We provide a detailed explanation for this phenomenon that goes beyond the discussion presented in the paper by Suslov and Tran [3], and concerns subtle mathematical issues. Among other results we show that the solution with the inflectional profile is-interestingly-not a weak solution of the governing equations.Concerning the non-uniqueness of the solution, we show that if we explicitly-instead of assuming that constants are fixed by an unknown procedure-specify a procedure for fixing all the integration constants in the solution, for example by fixing the pressure at two points or fixing the pressure gradient and the pressure at one point, we get a unique solution to the problem, provided all relevant quantities are continuous. On the other hand, if we relax the assumption on continuity, we can get multiple solutions.