“…Note that the output current I is allowed to circulate in a simplified non-dissipative loop, which is evocative of, and fully consistent with, a convective flow of charges. According to fundamentals of circuit design, the current function I = F(V) supplied by the above class of sources can be conveniently expressed using a polynomial which can become F(V) = k·V 2 − k'·V, with k' = k·V o being constant as is k. The subtractive component k'·V offers additional insights into the current independent character of the glow discharge's dimension and shape claimed in [14]. In sum, the steady electrical current results in an ion convection acted upon by a pumping mechanism of power d dt W 𝛼 = V·F(V), whereas a residual electrostatic energy W β , linearly dependent on V, is separately stored.…”