We explore the large to moderate scale anisotropy in distant radio sources using the TGSS ADR1 catalog. We use different measures, i.e. number counts, sky brightness and flux per source, for this study. In agreement with earlier results, we report a significant excess of clustering signal above the angular scale of roughly 10 degrees (i.e. l < 20). We find that some survey areas have a systematically low/high flux and argue this may be the cause of the observed signal of excess power at low multipoles. With mocks we demonstrate the effect of such large scale flux systematics and recover TGSS like excess clustering signal by assuming 20% flux uncertainties over ∼ 10 • × 10 • size patches. We argue that that TGSS at this stage, i.e. TGSS ADR1, is not suitable for large scale clustering measurements. We find that the measure, flux per source, shows evidence of isotropy for all multipoles l > 2 despite the presence of systematics in the data. Subject headings: cosmology: large-scale structure of universe -dark matter -galaxies: activehigh-redshift