“…Similar to recent research of Google search terms in the United States, 5 we found that derivations of "vape" increased in popularity between 2013-2015, suggesting that this is also an emerging native term for ENDS among US adult current and former smokers. BecomeAnEX users seldom employed ENDS brand names or researcher-generated Category combines multiple keywords, as specified below: ecig: e-cig*, e cig*, ecig*, electronic cig* vape: vape*, vapour*, vapor* blu: blu, blucig, blu cig* e-liquid: e-liquid*, eliquid*, e liquid* e-juice: e-juice*, ejuice*, e juice* e-pipe: e-pipe*, epipe*, e pipe* e-nicotine: e-nicotine*, enicotine*, e nicotine*, electronic nicotine e-cigar: e-cigar, ecigar, e cigar cigalike: cig-alike*, cig-a-like*, cigalike* e-hookah: e-hookah*, ehookah*, e hookah* e-sisha: e-sisha*, esisha*, e sisha* e-vape: e-vape*, evape*, e vape* terms such as "electronic nicotine device."…”