The latest data from Planck collaboration has presented an improved sensitivity limit of the sum of neutrino masses (Σ), Σ < 0.17eV at 95% confidence level (CL). On the other hand, the updated global fits of neutrino oscillation have shown a refined range of atmospheric mixing angle θ 23 at the same CL. In the light of these observations, we have re-investigated the five viable cases ( B 1,2,3,4 and C) of texture two zero Majorana mass matrix in the flavor basis. Using the present Planck's data, we have demonstrated that only cases B 2 and B 4 are now viable for normal mass ordering, while remaining three cases does not meet the present experimental constraints at 2σ CL. The viable cases are also found to be in agreement with the latest T2K, Super-Kamiokande and NOνA results, indicating the preference for normal neutrino mass ordering (m 1 < m 2 < m 3 ), a maximal Dirac CP-violating phase (δ ≃ 270 0 ), and upper octant of neutrino mixing angle (θ 23 > 45 0 ). In addition, the implication of Σ on neutrinoless double beta decay is studied for viable cases.