The lagoons are shallow freshwater and saline ponds created in the 1990s and form the eastern part of the Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve.The area shows traces of a medieval landscape, with the Monks Drain, to the east of the lagoons, perhaps being constructed in the thirteenth century. Goldcliff Point on the coast is the focus of much prehistoric, Roman and medieval activity. See Chapters 1, 2 and 18 for discussion of this area of Wales (photo: T. Driver; © Living Levels).Back cover: Martin with his iconic 'Red foreshore box', April 2021. The intertidal zone at Goldcliff has been Martin Bell's principal focus of research for the last 30 years. Evidence of human presence from the Mesolithic onwards has been found, and is one of the best-known areas in Britain for human footprints, a topic explored in Chapter 2 of this volume (photo: T. Walker).