<p>The purpose of this study is to review the deradicalization strategy in religion through strengthening the understanding of Pancasila in the context of Islamic Education at Islamic boarding madrasahs in Central Java. This study involved <em>Madrasah-Pesantren</em>/Madrasahs-Islamic Boarding schools (MP) in the North Coast (Pantura) Region of Central Java, including Madrasah Aliyah (MA) al-Wathoniyah Semarang, MA Qudsiyyah Kudus, MA al-Hidayah Kudus, MA al-Hidayat Lasem Rembang, and MA al-Anwar Sarang Rembang. By employing a qualitative approach through interview and observation data collection methods, this study revealed that the government of the Republic of Indonesia's religious deradicalization program requires support from Islamic boarding schools. One of them is the conceptual support that makes the program effective, referring to deradicalization through Islamic Education (PAI). This deradicalization process is carried out through strengthening Pancasila values integrated through PAI. It is based on the style of radicalism, especially among Muslims who question the national principle's validity of Pancasila in the name of Islam. Pancasila is considered a secular ideology and even <em>kafir</em> because it did not depart from God's revelation. Indeed, this judgment is baseless because the first principle is Belief in the Almighty God, reflecting the value of <em>tawhid</em>. With the existence of <em>tawhid</em> in Pancasila, this national principle is religious in nature, even comprising <em>tawhid</em>. This religious dimension introduction is carried out through Islamic Education in <em>Madrasah-Pesantren</em> (MP) to protect students (santri) and students from the radicalism virus.</p>