Electronic gambling machines include a suite of design characteristics
that may contribute to gambling related harms and require more careful
attention of regulators and policymakers. One strategy that has
contributed to these concerns is the presentation of “losses disguised
as wins” (LDWs), a type of salient losing outcome in which a gambling
payout is less than the amount wagered (i.e., a net loss), but is
nonetheless accompanied by the celebratory audio-visual stimuli that
typically accompanies a genuine win. These events could thereby be
mistaken for gains, or otherwise act as a reward signal, reinforcing
persistent gambling, despite being a loss. This study aimed to determine
whether LDWs evoke a reward positivity component in a task modelled on
slot-machine gambling. A prominent account of the reward positivity
event-related potential suggests that it is evoked during the positive
appraisal of task related feedback, relative to neutral or negative
events, or that it is evoked by neural systems that implement the
computation of a positive reward prediction error. We recruited 32
individuals from university recruitment pools and asked them to engage
in a simple gambling task designed to mimic key features of a slot
machine design. The reward positivity was identified using
temporospatial principal components analysis. Results indicated a more
positive reward positivity following LDWs relative to clear losses,
consistent with the theory that LDWs contribute to positive
reinforcement of continued gambling, despite being net losses.
Now peer-reviewed, updated and published in psychophysiology. Cite as:
Myles, D., Carter, A., Yücel, M., & Bode, S. (2024). Losses disguised
as wins evoke the reward positivity event-related potential in a
simulated machine gambling task. Psychophysiology, 00, e14541.