With the advent of high-throughput technologies making largescale gene expression data readily available, developing appropriate computational tools to process these data and distill insights into systems biology has been an important part of the "big data" challenge. Gene coexpression is one of the earliest techniques developed that is still widely in use for functional annotation, pathway analysis, and, most importantly, the reconstruction of gene regulatory networks, based on gene expression data. However, most coexpression measures do not specifically account for local features in expression profiles. For example, it is very likely that the patterns of gene association may change or only exist in a subset of the samples, especially when the samples are pooled from a range of experiments. We propose two new gene coexpression statistics based on counting local patterns of gene expression ranks to take into account the potentially diverse nature of gene interactions. In particular, one of our statistics is designed for time-course data with local dependence structures, such as time series coupled over a subregion of the time domain. We provide asymptotic analysis of their distributions and power, and evaluate their performance against a wide range of existing coexpression measures on simulated and real data. Our new statistics are fast to compute, robust against outliers, and show comparable and often better general performance.local rank patterns | bivariate association | random permutation statistics | Stein's approximation A major challenge in systems biology is to understand the intricate interactions and functional relationships between genes and their regulation targets. As advances in high-throughput technologies lead to the generation of enormous amounts of genomic data, the last decade has witnessed a rapidly increasing effort to develop computational tools to reconstruct gene relationships based on a wide range of "omic" data available, in particular transcriptomic or expression data. Coexpression methods, which assess certain types of dependence between the expression profiles of two genes, are one of the earliest tools used for this purpose. The technique has been routinely used for functional gene annotation (1, 2) and more importantly as a measure of edge weights for reconstructing gene networks (3-7).The problem of finding gene coexpression is closely related to that of detecting bivariate association between two vectors. Since the work by Eisen et al. (8), the Pearson correlation has been adopted as the most widely used coexpression measure (3, 9, 10) for its straightforward conceptual interpretation and computational efficiency. However, it is also known that the Pearson correlation is unsuitable for capturing nonlinear relationships and susceptible to high false discovery rates. Another class of coexpression methods is based on mutual information (MI) (5,11,12,13), which measures general statistical dependence rather than a specific type of bivariate association. The computation of MI involves...