This chapter focuses on the design of three generations of chipless RFID tag reader transceivers. The Gen-1 and Gen-2 transceiveres operate between 2 and 2.5 GHz and are designed to read the 6-bit proof-of-concept chipless tag. However, the Gen-1 reader only has amplitude detection capability, while the Gen-2 reader has amplitude and phase detection capabilities. Finally, the third transceiver is developed to operate in the UWB frequency range between 5 and 10.7 GHz so it can detect a UWB chipless tag. The specifi cations, design and measurements of the transmitter and receiver chains are presented along with the overall power consumptions of each transceiver.
IntroductionIn the preceding chapters, the design of chipless RFID tags on PCB and thin fl exible laminates is presented. The integration and successful fi eld trials of the chipless RFID tags proved the concept of multiresonator-based chipless RFID tag. It was also presented earlier that the tag's main attractive features were it is low cost, robustness, printability and ease of data encoding. These advantages are the salient features of the chipless RFID tag, which relinquishes the requirement of silicon chips.The successful design and testing of the novel chipless tag demands the development and design of a chipless tag reader. Firstly, the design of a proof-of-concept chipless tag reader which operates over 2-2.5 GHz only and reads a 6-bit tag is attempted. Two designs: fi rst generation (Gen-1) reader, which decodes only the amplitude of the spectral signatures of the chipless tag, and second generation (Gen-2) reader, which decodes both the amplitude and phase of the chipless tag's spectral signatures. Finally, a chipless tag reader which operates over the UWB spectrum 5-10.7 GHz is presented. The UWB tag reader uses down-conversion blocks in the RF transceiver topology in order to process the received tag signal at an intermediate frequency (IF) band.