A modi ed TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation of the solvent-exposed glucosyl units of cellulose to uronic acids, followed by carboxyl reduction with NaBD 4 to 6-deutero-and 6,6-dideuteroglucosyl units, provided a robust method for determining relative proportions of disordered amorphous, ordered surface chains, and anhydrous core-crystalline residues of cellulose micro brils inaccessible to TEMPO. Both glucosyl residues of cellobiose units, digested from amorphous chains of cellulose with a combination of cellulase and cellobiohydrolase, were deuterated, whereas those from anhydrous chains were undeuterated. By contrast, solvent-exposed and anhydrous residues alternate in surface chains, so only one of the two residues of cellobiosyl units was labeled. Although current estimates indicate that each cellulose micro bril comprises only 18 to 24 (1 , 4)-b eta-D-glucan chains, we show here that micro brils of walls of Arabidopsis leaves and maize coleoptiles, and those of secondary wall cellulose of cotton bers and poplar wood, bundle into much larger macro brils, with 67 to 86% of the glucan chains in the anhydrous domain. These results indicate extensive bundling of micro brils into macro brils occurs during both primary and secondary wall formation. We discuss how, beyond lignin, the degree of bundling into macro brils contributes an additional recalcitrance factor to lignocellulosic biomass for enzymatic or chemical catalytic conversion to biofuel substrates.