The paper presents new faunistic data for 28 species of Rhaphium from Russia and supplements the previous data on species distribution. New faunistic data is given for the following species: Rhaphium albifrons Zetterstedt, 1843, Rh. antennatum (Carlier, 1835), Rh. appendiculatum Zetterstedt, 1849, Rh. basale Loew, 1850, Rh. boreale Van Duzee, 1923, Rh. caliginosum Meigen, 1824, Rh. commune (Meigen, 1824), Rh. confine Zetterstedt, 1843, Rh. dichromum Negrobov, 1976, Rh. discolor Zetterstedt 1838, Rh. dispar Coquillett 1898, Rh. elegantulum Meigen, 1824, Rh. fasciatum Meigen, 1824, Rh. fascipes (Meigen, 1824), Rh. flavilabre Negrobov, 1979, Rh. glaciale Ringdahl, 1920, Rh. latimanum Kahanpää 2007, Rh. longicorne (Fallen, 1823), Rh. monotrichum Loew 1850, Rh. nasutum (Fallen, 1823), Rh. nigribarbatum Becker, 1900, Rh. patellitarse Becker, 1900, Rh. richterae Negrobov, 1977, Rh. riparium (Meigen 1824), Rh. rivale Loew, 1869, Rh. suavis Loew, 1859, Rh. tripartitum Frey 1913, and Rh. umbripenne (Frey, 1915). Seven rare species (Rhaphium basale, Rh. boreale, Rh. confine, Rh. dispar, Rh. fasciatum, Rh. flavilabre and Rh. longicorne) are recorded for the first time in one or two Russian regions. At present, there are 71 species in the genus Rhaphium known from Russia.