Rocks creep has a great importance in the evaluation of the long-term behaviour of elements built with or within these materials. In this work, a porous well-known limestone locally named as San Julián stone has been physically and mechanically characterized. Uniaxial compressive tests for 96 h. at constant stress are carried out. Long-term behaviour has been modelled by means of a well-known creep model, the CEB-FIP Model code 2010, used for modelling other stony-material (i.e. concrete). Furthermore, a rheological model has been proposed. The main aim of this work is to investigate the possibility of exploiting the vast experience accumulated in the study of concrete deformational long-term behaviour in order to obtaining a reasonable approach to the behaviour of the rock, for too long testing times difficult to implement in laboratory. A creep function adapted to the studied rock only dependent on its elastic and mechanical characteristics is also proposed in this work.