Objectives: The recent tailings dam disasters emphasize the need to adopt best management practices focusing on the stability of these structures. This study aims to present the use of a thickening channel as an alternative for ultrafine tailings dewatering in a small iron ore mine in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero.
Theoretical Framework: The research is based on the study of rheology, focusing on viscosity and yield stress as key parameters to characterize the behavior of thickened slurry.
Method: The study involved the production of thickened slurry in a channel, followed by rheological characterization through sampling at different points in the thickening process.
Results and Discussion: The findings indicate that the thickened slurry behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid, with all samples analyzed showing pseudoplastic behavior. There was an increase in viscosity and yield stress with increasing solids content. The deposition of thickened slurry resulted in a 36.9% increase in the volume of the studied reservoirs.
Research Implications: This approach offers advantages such as low capital cost, increased water reuse, and improved geotechnical stability of deposition sites, contributing to safer and more sustainable tailings management practices.
Originality/Value: The study provides a practical alternative for tailings dewatering, enhancing the safety and sustainability of tailings disposal practices in small iron ore mines.