I am personally and professionally delighted to introduce the World Complexity Science Academy's fl agship open-access online serial imprint, The World Complexity Science Academy Journal. Legally based in Italy, where the Academy headquarters is housed, our online journal aims to open and expand the amplifi cation of "systemics and complexity" research throughout the world. We invoke truly trans-disciplinary research in political science, sociology, communication, media and Internet studies, economics, leadership and organizational behavior, global studies, and all forms of social science and humanities in a postmodern mixture refl ecting the need to be abstract and refl ective in our methodological inquiry. Our journal is open to both quantitative and qualitative methodology, and celebrates a mixture of both perspectives wholly, attempting to ensure a comprehensive and total understanding of the world's important complexity artifacts and phenomena. The principal objective of this journal is to deduce the most complex global issues in a simple, portable, and understandable fashion for our readership. We try very hard to render the complex as simplistic, and ask our authors to write both (1) in Standard American English, and (2) for the multimedia-enhanced publishing model we support. In WCSAJ, you will fi nd articles to be enriched by the Web, using and showcasing all kinds of "links" and "images" to various online content. We are not merely a paper-based journal; we wish to leverage the vast, rich, and dynamic resources available online to explicate the arguments, conclusions, and advice drawn by our esteemed authors. To wit, we focus heavily upon the multimedia enhancement of each and every submission to add a hypermedia "layer" on top of our intellectual content to form a Third Dimension for the overall reading experience. Needless to say, any papers, essays, reviews, or editorials that you wish to submit are sincerely valued and appreciated. We hope that your contribution to the early development of this journal will both enhance your professional career and also create a new discursive space for the public debate on your selected topic(s). My personal warmest regards to the WCSAJ readership and future authors, and we thank you for conveying the value of this imprint to your colleagues throughout the world. The World Complexity Science Academy Journal thanks you, and fully appreciates your hard work and interest in our shared vision.