This review article focuses on integrated management options for ginger diseases, especially rhizome rot and wilt. We compiled the results of several strategies, including chemical treatments, cultural practices, soil solarization, organic additions, and biological management for rhizome rot and wilt disease complex of ginger. Effective approaches includes (i) raise the temperature by soil solarization, (ii) additions of soil amendments like wood sawdust, oil cakes, neem cakes that prevent soil pathogen and simultaneously improve soil health, (iii) cultural techniques such as soil selection, crop rotation and intercropping, (iv) biological control using Trichoderma species is another useful method to lower infestation and increase ginger yield, and (v) use of chemical control measures such as Ridomil MZ, Metalaxyl, and Streptomycin. The above-listed aspects can be integrated to develop integrated management strategies that aid in developing a treatment strategy for management for rhizome rot and wilt disease complex of ginger.