Reported herein is the development of rhodiumcatalyzedintramolecular amido transfer as an efficient route to nitrogen-containing macrocycles starting from acetophenone ketoximes tethered with either aryl or alkyla zides.F acile generation of rhodacycles and metal imido intermediates was the key to success in this mechanistic scaffold to represent the first example of an intramolecular inner-sphere C À Ha mination. While substrates bearing aryl azides underwent am onomeric ring formation in high yields,adimeric double cyclization took place exclusively with alkyl-azide-tethered ketoximes, thus affording up to 36-membered azamacrocyclic products.Nitrogen-containing compounds are widely present in natural and synthetic products with broad applications in biological, pharmaceutical, and materials sciences. [1] Fort his reason, efficient and selective catalytic CÀHa mination has been of much interest to researchers. [2,3] In general, two distinct mechanistic scaffolds can be conceived for functionalization of C À Hb onds:o uter-a nd inner-sphere pathways (Scheme 1a). [4] In the former approach, aC À Nb ond is constructed mainly by the insertion, of the initially generated metal-imido intermediates into CÀHb onds of hydrocarbon substrates. [5] In the case of C(sp 2 )ÀHf unctionalization, while the intermolecular version of CÀNb ond formation is rarely explored, [6] thei ntramolecular reaction has been widely explored, via putative metal-nitrenoid intermediates,t hus leading to medium-sized (5-to 7-membered) azacycles (Scheme 1a,b ottom left). [7] Alternatively,a ni nner-sphere CÀHa mination critically relies on the effective generation of metallacyclic intermediates which subsequently react with aminating reagents to deliver the C À Ha mination products (Scheme 1a,t op right). Although intermolecular C À Ha mination for both C(sp 2 ) À H and C(sp 3 ) À Hb onds based on this inner-sphere pathway has been well documented, [8] the intramolecular approach is much less explored. In fact, as am echanistically distinct approach, an amine-directed intramolecular cross-dehydrogenative coupling (CDC) was shown to afford medium-sized azacyclic compounds (4-to 6-membered rings) in the presence of stoichiometric amounts external oxidants. [9] Despite considerable recent achievements in the field of transition metal-catalyzed CÀHa mination, macrocyclization relying on this strategy has not been demonstrated. [10] Since the first report by the group of White [11] on palladiumcatalyzed intramolecular allylic CÀHoxidation to give macrolactones,m acrocyclization through C À Ha ctivation still remains challenging. [12] Continuing our efforts on the development of direct C À H amination reactions, [13] we envisioned that macrocyclization would be plausible by an inner-sphere intramolecular amidotransfer process.W eh erein describe af acile route to obtain structurally diverse azamacrocycles of up to 36-membered rings based on ac ascade sequence of rhodacycle formation and intramolecular insertion of metal imido species (Scheme 1b).Our s...