Phosphorylation of the Neurospora circadian clock protein FREQUENCY by several kinases promotes its degradation and is important for the function of the circadian feedback loop. Here, we show that FRQ is less stable in a ppp-1 (catalytic subunit of PP1) mutant, resulting in its advanced phase and short period. In contrast, FRQ stability is not altered in a rgb-1 (a regulatory subunit of PP2A) mutant, but levels of frq protein and mRNA are low, resulting in a low-amplitude and longperiod oscillation of the clock. Furthermore, PP1 and PP2A expressed in Neurospora can dephosphorylate the endogenous FRQ in vitro, suggesting that these two phosphatases may differentially regulate FRQ and, consequently, the behavior of the circadian clock.Supplemental material is available at September 15, 2003; revised version accepted December 15, 2003. Reversible phosphorylation is an important regulatory mechanism for many biological processes in eukaryotic organisms. The phosphorylation state of a protein is controlled dynamically by protein kinases and phosphatases. Previous studies have demonstrated that phosphorylation of circadian clock proteins is an essential posttranscriptional mechanism in the regulation of circadian clocks (Dunlap 1999;Young and Kay 2001). Several kinases, including casein kinase I (CKI) and CKII, have been shown to phosphorylate and regulate the key clock components in eukaryotic systems Sugano et al. 1999;Lowrey et al. 2000;Gorl et al. 2001;Yang et al. 2002).FREQUENCY (FRQ), WHITE COLLAR-1 (WC-1), and WC-2 proteins are three key components in the Neurospora frq-wc-based circadian oscillator . In addition to being the circadian blue light photoreceptor (Froehlich et al. 2002;He et al. 2002), in the dark, WC-1 forms a heterodimeric complex with WC-2 through their PAS domains and activate frq transcription by binding its promoter (Crosthwaite et al. 1997;Talora et al. 1999;Cheng et al. 2001bCheng et al. , 2002Cheng et al. , 2003Froehlich et al. 2003). FRQ, the negative element of the feedback loop, inhibits its own transcription through interactions with the WC complex (Aronson et al. 1994;Cheng et al. 2001a;Denault et al. 2001;Froehlich et al. 2003). FRQ protein is immediately phosphorylated after its synthesis and becomes extensively phosphorylated prior to its degradation by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway Liu et al. 2000;He et al. 2003). In constant darkness, FRQ is not only robustly rhythmic in its cellular concentration, but also in its phosphorylation states, so that the level and the phosphorylation status of FRQ define the time of the clock during a circadian cycle .Phoshorylation of FRQ is mediated by CKI, CKII, and a calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (Gorl et al. 2001;Yang et al. 2001Yang et al. , 2002Yang et al. , 2003. Molecular, genetic, and biochemical experiments have shown that phosphorylation of FRQ has several functions. Mutations of the FRQ phosphorylation sites lead to the stabilization of the FRQ protein and long period rhythms of the clock (Li...