Temporal variations in assemblages of decapod crustaceans in seabed areas of continental margins depend on a complex and poorly understood interplay of physical and biological factors. In deep-water areas, decapods still show complex regulation of their swimming and walking activity rhythms in response to the day-night cycle and seasonal variations in the length of the photoperiod (reviewed by Naylor 2005; Aguzzi et al. 2008b, c). This occurs for the response of species' biological clocks to light intensity cycles (Naylor 2005). Accordingly, thousands of individuals move synchronously through different depth strata at different times (reviewed in Lagardère either burrowers that dig tunnels or, alternatively, buriers that simply cover themselves with sediment (Bellwood 2002).
AbstractThe day-night cycle is one of the strongest geophysical cycles modulating species' behavioral rhythms. However, in deep-water continental margins, where light intensity decreases over depth, interspecific competition may alter behavioral responses to day-night cycles. The burrowing decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus is a large-size predator in benthic communities, exerting despotic territorial behavior. In this study, we analysed how the effect of light intensity cycles on decapod behavioral rhythms is reduced as one moves from shelves to slopes. In the Western Mediterranean, the predatory behavior and interspecific competition for substrate use of Nephrops increases moving from the shelf (100-110 m) to the slope (400-430 m). Vector fitting and generalized additive models were used to assess the effect of light intensity and behavioral rhythms of N. norvegicus on the temporal variation of prey decapods co-occurring in trawl tow catches carried out on the shelf and the slope during October 1999 and June 2000. The combination of diel variations in light intensity and N. norvegicus abundance influences the activity rhythms of prey decapods in a depth-and seasonal-dependent manner. Light modulation is stronger on the shelf and weaker on the slope, where Nephrops population size is greater. Although present regression analysis does not necessarily imply a direct causeeffect relationship between rhythms of predators and prey, we suggest that Nephrops alters the temporal patterning in the behavior of its prey on the slope, where light intensity is reduced. This alteration is stronger in endobenthic species than in benthopelagic species; the former rely on bottom substrate for the expression of behavioral rhythms, experiencing stronger interspecific competitions with Nephrops at time of activity.