In this work, we have studied the mechanisms and kinetics of the initial damage to ergosterol induced by• OOH and• OOCH 3 peroxyl radicals in a lipid media, using quantum chemistry and computational kinetics methods. The initial damage to ergosterol induced by these radicals occurs predominantly through the hydrogen transfer mechanism (HT) from the allylic position C14 of ergosterol. For the reaction of ergosterol with• OOH, the HT-9 pathway represents~90.8% of the overall rate constant, while in the case of• OOCH 3 , the HT-14 pathway represents more than~97.2% of the overall rate constant. The calculated overall reaction rates for the initial damage to ergosterol caused by the• OOH and • OOCH 3 are 2.05 × 10 6 and 6.26 × 10 4 M À1 s À1 , respectively, indicating that the oxidative damage to ergosterol initiated by these radicals, and probably other alkyl-peroxyl radicals, could be significantly dangerous to their integrity. Taking into account the calculated values of the overall rate coefficients, we can conclude that ergosterol is more susceptible to damage produced by peroxyl radicals than cholesterol and fatty acids. This suggests that fungal cells might be more sensitive to these radicals than animal cells, coinciding with the fact that one of the targets in combating fungi is precisely ergosterol. Finally, theoretical calculations confirm the antioxidant potential of ergosterol and could help explaining the nutraceutical activity of edible and medicinal mushrooms.