Ovaries were obtained from 24–25 day old Sprague‐Dawley rats. Groups of 20 ovaries were collected corresponding to a wet weight of 100–120 mg, and incubated for 20, 30, 60 and 240 min at 37° C in Krebs bicarbonate buffer containing 5.5 mM glucose and uridine‐3H. Following incubation, ovarian RNA was extracted with a modified phenol extraction method described in detail. Fractionation was made by composite agarose‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis which gave good separation and high resolution of the various RN.4 fractions. Ovarian RNA separated in four well‐defined fractions classified as 28S, 18S, 5s and 4s. This classification was based upon comparisons with simultaneously run liver RNA. In addition to the four main fractions. a weak band just before 28S and two smaller bands between 28S and 18S were consistently observed. Labelling of ovarian RNA with uridine‐3H showed a polydisperse pattern after the shorter incubation periods with most of the radioactivity concentrated to RNA fractions of molecular weights higher than 28S, but also clear labelling of the 5S—4S region. After 60 min, radioactivity peaks were also associated with the 28S and 18s fractions and with fractions between those, while after 240 min incubation, the radioactivity was concentrated to the four main fractions. The incorporation of radioactivity was found to be markedly decreased in presence of actinomycin D.