Mapping of soft clay area in paddy fields uses remote sensing and GIS technique is the fastest way to obtain an accurate location of soft clay in a large scale area. It can be an alternative way to change conventional method like in-situ observation that is expensive and labor intensive. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to map soft clay area in paddy fields Kedah, Malaysia. To analyze soft clay area comprehensively, the study was carried out in three different periods; before paddy planting, after paddy planting and harvest. Ground-truth data of soft clay area was collected from study area during fieldwork activity and compared with NDVI values that produced from Landsat 8 image. Result of study showed NDVI map in period of before paddy planting could be a good indicator for mapping soft clay area because it gave a higher accuracy value than the other periods, with overall accuracy (85%) and kappa coefficient (0,84). Total area of soft clay from the highest value was showed in period of before paddy planting (1.856,97 ha), followed by after paddy planting (656,73 ha) and harvest (401,85 ha) periods, respectively.