A fourientation of a graph is a choice for each edge of the graph whether to orient that edge in either direction, leave it unoriented, or biorient it. Fixing a total order on the edges and a reference orientation of the graph, we investigate properties of cuts and cycles in fourientations which give trivariate generating functions that are generalized Tutte polynomial evaluations of the formfor α, γ ∈ {0, 1, 2} and β, δ ∈ {0, 1}. We introduce an intersection lattice of 64 cut-cycle fourientation classes enumerated by generalized Tutte polynomial evaluations of this form. We prove these enumerations using a single deletion-contraction argument and classify axiomatically the set of fourientation classes to which our deletion-contraction argument applies. This work unifies and extends earlier results for fourientations due to , . arXiv:1205. We conclude by describing how these classes of fourientations relate to geometric, combinatorial, and algebraic objects including bigraphical arrangements, cycle-cocycle reversal systems, graphic Lawrence ideals, Riemann-Roch theory for graphs, zonotopal algebra, and the reliability polynomial.