The wave equation on an elastic body is conservative; to make the system stable, several authors have introduced different types of dissipative mechanisms, for example, a frictional damping [1] or frictional boundary conditions [2,3]. For the stabilization of a network governed by wave equations, we refer to [4,5], where the authors considered a star-shaped and tree-shaped networks of elastic strings, and they proved that when a feedback is applied on particular nodes, then the system will be polynomially stable but not exponentially stable. We can see, in [6], that the authors considered a network with delay term in the nodal feedbacks. In [7], the authors studied, in particular, the stabilization of a chain of beams and strings. See also [8][9][10][11].Another type of stabilization of an elastic material is to add thermoelastic materials to it. In [12][13][14], the authors proved that the system is then exponentially stable; see also [15] where the authors considered the case of beams and proved that the whole system is also exponentially stable. We want to know if this result holds true for a network of elastic and thermoelastic materials. To our knowledge, the asymptotic behavior of such a system has not been studied yet. In this paper, we consider particular cases of such network that can be partially generalized. In the first case, we suppose that two elastic edges cannot be adjacent (Figure 1). In the second one, we consider a tree of elastic materials, the leaves of which thermoelastic materials are added as follows: the thermoelastic body is related to only one leaf by an end, and the second is free or connects two leaves, with the condition that each leaf is connected to only one thermoelastic body (Figure 2). With the continuity condition for the displacement and the Neumann condition for the temperature at the internal nodes, we prove that the thermal effect is strong enough to stabilize the system. Similar to [16], we will use a frequency method as described in [17,18] (see also [19]).Before going on to the next discussion, let us first recall some definitions and notations about a 1-D network that will be used in this paper. We refer to [10,16,20] for more details.Let G be a network in the Euclidean space R m , with n vertices V D fa 1