Let L be the Hill operator or the one dimensional Dirac operator on the interval [0, π]. If L is considered with Dirichlet, periodic or antiperiodic boundary conditions, then the corresponding spectra are discrete and for large enough |n| close to n 2 in the Hill case, or close to n, n ∈ Z in the Dirac case, there are one Dirichlet eigenvalue µn and two periodic (if n is even) or antiperiodic (if n is odd) eigenvalues λ − n , λ + n (counted with multiplicity). We give estimates for the asymptotics of the spectral gaps γn = λ + n − λ − n and deviations δn = µn − λ + n in terms of the Fourier coefficients of the potentials. Moreover, for special potentials that are trigonometric polynomials we provide precise asymptotics of γn and δn.