High-pressure in situ powder-diffraction data were collected on a sample of P4/n vesuvianite from Val d'Ala, Piemonte, Italy, between room pressure and 13.2 GPa. No deviation from tetragonal symmetry was found at any pressure. The refined unit-cell parameters show that the highest compressibility is along the c axis [ a = 2.00(4)•10 -3 GPa -1 and  c = 2.42 (7)•10 -3 GPa -1 ]. Such behavior, which is inverse to that observed with increasing temperature, is related to weaker bonding along the 4-fold axis owing to the presence of hydrogen bonding and vacancies. A third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state was fitted to the retrieved volumes, with V 0 = 2859.47(7), K T0 = 125.5(1.3) GPa and K' T0 = 4.8(3). The compressibility of P4/n vesuvianite probably applies to all members of the vesuvianite family.