We discuss several questions which remained open in our joint work with M. Sodin "Almost periodic Jacobi matrices with homogeneous spectrum, infinite-dimensional Jacobi inversion, and Hardy spaces of character-automorphic functions". In particular, we show that there exists a non-homogeneous set E such that the Direct Cauchy Theorem (DCT) holds in the Widom domain C \ E. On the other hand we demonstrate that the weak homogeneity condition on E (introduced recently by Poltoratski and Remling) does not ensure that DCT holds in the corresponding Widom domain. possess the property Re R k,k (x + i0) = 0 for almost all x ∈ E. As usual e k 's denote the standard basis in l 2 . For an exceptional role of this class of Jacobi matrices see [17].The function R(z) = R k,k (z) has positive imaginary part in the upper half plane, and therefore possesses the representationWe follow the terminology in [15] and call reflectionless the measures σ related to reflectionless functions R(z) (1.1), Re R(x + i0) = 0, a.e. x ∈ E. The collection of reflectionless functions associated to the given compact E can be parameterized in the following way. We chose arbitrary x j ∈ [a j , b j ] and set.( 1.2) By D(E) we denote the set of so-called divisors D, where3) The map J(E) → D(E) is defined in the following way. For a reflectionless J the resolvent function R 0,0 (z) possesses the representation (1.2) and this representation produces the collection {x j }. To define ǫ j we represent J as a two-dimensional perturbation of the block-diagonal sum of one-sided Jacobi matrices J ± , that is,This representation generates the identity − 1 R 0,0 (z) = − p 2 0 r − (z) + r + (z), (1.4) where r + (z) = (J + − z) −1 e 0 , e 0 , r − (z) = (