A 5-day-old female baby weighing 2 kg was brought to the Emergency Room (ER) of our hospital by the mother, with complaints that the baby was crying excessively and that she was not feeding since past 2 days. The baby was delivered at home by a trained birth attendant and she cried immediately after her birth. The mother had not undergone any antenatal checkups during her pregnancy.In the ER, the baby was in severe respiratory distress, with a Respiratory Rate (RR) of 80/min and oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ) of 70% on room air. Systemic examination showed decreased air entry on right side, apex beat shifted to left and a scaphoid abdomen. ABG showed pH: 7.28, partial pressure of oxygen(PaO 2 )-54 mm Hg and partial pressure of carbon dioxide(PaCO 2 ) -55mm Hg. The baby was immediately intubated with a size 3.0 endotracheal tube. A nasogastric tube was placed. The chest X-ray showed subnormal lung expansion on right, herniated bowels, with air and fluid in right hemi-thorax . Chest and other mediastinal structures were shifted to left and there was no liver herniation. A diagnosis of RCDH was made and it was confirmed with X-ray Gastrografin. The baby was shifted to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for ventilator support. The initial ventilator settings were pressure control (PCV) mode of ventilation, inspiratory pressure(P insp ) -15 cm H 2 O, peak end expiratory pressure (PEEP) -4 cmH 2 O and inspired fraction of oxygen(FiO 2 ) -1.0. ECHO showed a patent ductus arteriosus with a right to left shunt and pulmonary artery pressure of 45mmHg. Circulatory support was provided with inj Dopamine, along with maintanance fluid. Surgery was planned after pre-operative stabilization of the baby.After 2 days of ventilation, pre-ductal and post-ductal arterial blood gas (ABG) sampling was done. The PaO 2 was 68mmHg (preductal) and 60mmHg (post-ductal) and SpO 2 was 92%(pre-ductal) and 88%(post-ductal) at FiO 2 of 0.4. The baby maintained normal haemodynamic parameters with no circulatory support. As the preoperative stabilization goals were achieved, the case was accepted for surgery. A written and informed consent for surgery was obtained from the parents and the case was shifted to operation theatre with ambu ventilation and oxygen (O 2 ) supplementation. The baby was ventilated with 100% O 2 , as the facility to provide air was not available in our anaesthesia machines.The stomach was decompressed by naso gastric tube suction and inj Fentanyl 10mcg and inj ondansetron 1mg were given. Monitors like those of Electro Cardio Gram (ECG), Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP), 2 pulse oximeters (pre-ductal and post-ductal) and temperature were connected. Baseline readings of HR-122/ min, BP -78/44mmhg, SpO 2 -92% and a temp of 37ºC were noted. A precordial stethoscope and a urinary catheter were placed. Anaesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane 2% and inj atracurium (bolus dose of 1mg and maintenance dose 0.01mg/kg).A right sub-costal incision was made, with the baby in supine position. Bowel loops in right hemithorax were ident...