“…Full-face transition in a 25-year-old male-to-female transgender patient (Figure 3). This patient, who had been on estrogen therapy for over 2 years, received 4 units of onabotulinumtoxinA at each lateral end of her eyebrows Inject into forehead, glabellar, or periorbital areas to eliminate dynamic rhytids and create a more feminine forehead, angled eyebrow shape, and widened eyes; 5,9 injection into the superolateral orbital portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle may raise the lateral brow, 44,45 whereas injection into the palpebral portion of the orbicularis oculi may widen the eye aperture, with injections placed inferior to the lower eyelid and lateral to the midpupillary line 43 Inject along zygomatic arch to help cheeks appear more prominent and contoured; inject into anterior malar area to create a prominent, full, and more feminine apex peaking more superiorly and laterally 5,9 Atrophy the glabellar musculature to help create a more obtuse nasofrontal angle; 5 weaken the depressor septi nasi muscle to feminize the nose by lifting the nasal tip; weaken the nasal alar muscles to decrease alar flare Inject medially into chin to give it a more-rounded, less-square contour Inject into the masseter and mentalis muscles to cause gradual atrophy, decreasing the prominence of the male jawline and making the face appear more heart shaped 44,46 Inject into lips to augment them 9 and into the perioral region to improve lip contour and decrease rhytids 47 Address signs of aging such as temple volume loss, marionette hollowing, prejowl sulcus, and tear trough development…”