A number
of amines with three bulky alkyl groups at the nitrogen,
which surpass the steric crowding of triisopropylamine considerably,
were prepared by using different synthetic methods. It turned out
that treatment of N-chlorodialkylamines with organometallic
compounds, for example, Grignard reagents, in the presence of a major
excess of tetramethylenediamine offered the most effective access
to the target compounds. The limits of this method were also tested.
The trialkylamines underwent a dealkylation reaction, depending on
the degree of steric stress, even at ambient temperature. Because
olefins were formed in this transformation, it showed some similarity
with the Hofmann elimination. However, the thermal decay of sterically
overcrowded tertiary amines was not promoted by bases. Instead, this
reaction was strongly accelerated by protic conditions and even by
trace amounts of water. Reaction mechanisms, which were analyzed with
the help of quantum chemical calculations, are suggested to explain
the experimental results.