The chemical composition of seed and root oils from Angelica archangelica l. was investigated. Analyses were performed by GC/MS and GC using two columns of different polarities (polyethylene glycol (DB-Wax) and 5% phenyl/95% polydimethylsiloxane (HP-5)), for the separation of several co-eluting components. A total of 58 compounds were identified, accounting for 96.3% (seed) and 93.5% (root) of the oils, respectively. A high content of b-phellandrene (74.7%) was found in Angelica seed oil. Root oil contained a larger amount of macrocyclic lactones (1.3%) in comparison to the seed oil (0.4%). Different harvest dates produced only slight changes in the root-oil composition. In root oil harvested in summer, the b-phellandrene content increased by ca. 36%, but no significant changes in the relative compositions of other components were observed. Fresh root oils were collected in five fractions (constant time intervals) during steam distillation (see Table). The highestboiling fraction contained 9.3% of macrocyclic lactones such as tridecano-13-lactone (5.0%), 12-methyltridecano-13-lactone (0.4%), tetradecano-14-lactone (0.1%), pentadecano-15-lactone (3.5%), 14-methylpentadecano-15-lactone (1; trace), hexadecano-16-lactone (trace), and heptadecano-17-lactone (0.2%). This is the first report of the occurrence of 14-methylpentadecano-15-lactone (muscolide; 1) in a natural product.