“…Depredation is the principal direct cause of waterfowl and pheasant nest failure (Warner et al 1987, Klett et al 1988, Clark and Bogenschutz 1999, Riley and Schulz 2001, Hoekman et al 2002). A variety of predators are responsible for destroying nests of ground‐nesting game birds, including mesocarnivores (i.e., coyotes [ Canis latrans ], red fox [ Vulpes vulpes ], raccoons [ Procyon lotor ], striped skunks [ Mephitis mephitis ], American badgers [ Taxus taxidae ], and domestic dogs [ C. familiarus ] and cats [ Felis domesticus ]; Sovada et al 1995, 2000; Phillips et al 2003, 2004; Haffele et al 2013), raptors (i.e., ferruginous hawk [ Buteo regalis ], red‐tailed hawk [ B. jamaicensis ], Swainson's hawk [ B. swainsoni ], prairie falcon [ Falco mexicanus ], great horned owl [ Bubo virginianus ], and northern harrier [ Circus cyaneus ]; Ramakka and Woyedodzic 1993, Andersen 2007), ground squirrels (i.e., 13‐lined [ Ictidomys tridecemlineatus ], Franklin's [ Poliocitellus franklinii ], and Richardson's [ Urocitellus richardsonii ]; Garrettson and Rohwer 2001), and corvids (i.e., Black‐billed magpies [ Pica hudsonia ] and American crows [ Corvus brachyrhynchos ]; Sargeant et al 1998).…”