The production of the cyclic hydrocarbon radicals c‐C3H5, c‐C5H9, and c‐C6H11 by the reactions of c‐C3H6, c‐C5H10, and c‐C6H12 with F atoms and the reactions of the cyclic hydrocarbon radicals with O atoms were studied at low pressure (around 1 mbar) and low temperature (290–300 K) using the discharge flow method. Stable and labile species were detected by mass spectrometry combined with molecular beam sampling. The rate constants of the reactions c‐C3H5 + O (4), c‐C5H9 + O (5), and c‐C6H11 + O (6) were determined: k4 = 1.4·1014, k5 = 1.7 · 1014, k6 = 1.4 · 1014 cm3/mol · s. One main reaction route is interpretated by the formation of a highly excited adduct, decomposing to H + oxygen containing ring products; at high strain energy (reaction (4)) total ring cleavage, at low strain energy (reaction (6)) partial ring cleavage was observed. A second reaction route leads to OH + alkene. The rate constant for the reaction F + c‐C6H12 (3) was found as k3 = 5.7 · 1013 cm3/mol · s.