Abstract. Inspired by , we introduce two new operators, LOG and EXP. The LOG operates on generalized Fibonacci polynomials giving generalized Lucas polynomials. The EXP is the inverse of LOG. In particular, LOG takes a convolution product of generalized Fibonacci polynomials to a sum of generalized Lucas polynomials and EXP takes the sum to the convolution product. We use this structure to produce a theory of logarithms and exponentials within arithmetic functions giving another proof of the fact that the group of multiplicative functions under convolution product is isomorphic to the group of additive functions under addition. The hyperbolic trigonometric functions are constructed from the EXP operator, again, in the usual way. The usual hyperbolic trigonometric identities hold. We exhibit new structure and identities in the isobaric ring. Given a monic polynomial, its infinite companion matrix can be embedded in the group of weighted isobaric polynomials. The derivative of the monic polynomial and its companion matrix give us the different matrix and the infinite different matrix. The determinant of the different matrix is the discriminate of the monic polynomial up to sign. In fact, the LOG operating on the infinite companion matrix is the infinite different matrix. We prove that an arithmetic function is locally representable if an only if it is a multiplicative function. An arithmetic function is both locally and globally representable if it is trivially globally represented.