A lossless, low-crosstalk and multifunction optical switch is most desirable for large-scale photonic network. To realize such a switch, we have introduced the new architecture of optical switch that embedded many functions on single device. With the use of MEMs technology has minimized the effect of crosstalk and return loss. The multifunctional device means the integration of single functional device onto one architecture and OXADM achieved the point with its unique architecture. With the 'accumulation' function, OXADM has widened its application to fiber to the home (FTTH) and network security system. The main function of OXADM is to reconfigure the optical channel path while implementing add and drop function simultaneously. The multifunctional OXADM can works as single optical devices such as multiplexer, demultiplexer, OXC,
OADM, Wavelength Selective Coupler (WSC) and Wavelength Roundabout (WRB). With such the excellent features, the OXADM is expected to be unique, universal and with a high reliability that is used to overcome the various functions in WDM communication network today. The experimental resultsshow the value of crosstalk and return loss is bigger than 60 dB and 40 dB respectively. In our previous results have also shown the value of insertion loss was less than 0.06 dB under ideal condition, the maximum length that can be achieved is 94 km. While when considering the loss, with the transmitter power of 0 dBm and sensitivity -22.8 dBm at a point-to-point configuration with safety margin, the required transmission is 71 km with OXADM. The OSNR measurements for every function of OXADM are also proposed with the values are bigger than 20 dB.