We develop a version of controlled algebra for simplicial rings. This generalizes the methods which lead to successful proofs of the algebraic K-theory isomorphism conjecture (Farrell-Jones Conjecture) for a large class of groups. This is the first step to prove the algebraic K-theory isomorphism conjecture for simplicial rings. We construct a category of controlled simplicial modules, show that it has the structure of a Waldhausen category and discuss its algebraic K-theory.We lay emphasis on detailed proofs. Highlights include the discussion of a simplicial cylinder functor, the gluing lemma, a simplicial mapping telescope to split coherent homotopy idempotents, and a direct proof that a weak equivalence of simplicial rings induces an equivalence on their algebraic K-theory. Because we need a certain cofinality theorem for algebraic K-theory, we provide a proof and show that a certain assumption, sometimes omitted in the literature, is necessary. Last, we remark how our setup relates to ring spectra.