We explore the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for the tmf • [ 1 2 ]-cohomology of the classifying space BM 24 of the largest Mathieu group M 24 , twisted by a class ω ∈ H 4 (BM 24 ; Z[ 1 2 ]) ∼ = Z 3 . Our exploration includes detailed computations of the F 3 -cohomology of M 24 and of the first few differentials in the AHSS. We are specifically interested in the value of tmfis nonzero for one of the two nonzero values of ω. Our motivation comes from Mathieu Moonshine. Assuming a well-studied conjectural relationship between TMF and supersymmetric quantum field theory, there is a canonicallydefined Co 1 -twisted-equivariant lifting [V f ♮ ] of the class {24∆} ∈ TMF −24 (pt), for a specific value ω of the twisting, where Co 1 denotes Conway's largest sporadic group. We conjecture that the product [V f ♮ ]ν, where ν ∈ TMF −3 (pt) is the image of the generator of tmf −3 (pt) ∼ = Z 24 , does not vanish Co 1 -equivariantly, but that its restriction to M 24 -twisted-equivariant TMF does vanish. We explain why this conjecture answers some of the questions in Mathieu Moonshine: it implies the existence of a minimally supersymmetric quantum field theory with M 24 symmetry, whose twisted-and-twined partition functions have the same mock modularity as in Mathieu Moonshine. Our AHSS calculation establishes this conjecture "perturbatively" at odd primes.An appendix included mostly for entertainment purposes discusses "ℓ-complexes," in which the differential D satisfies D ℓ = 0 rather than D 2 = 0, and their relation to SU(2) Verlinde rings. The case ℓ = 3 is used in our AHSS calculations.